Although he is now dead, he is considered the prime suspect in the death of Birdlong, and her cause of death is undermined. The I-70/35 killer got his name because several of his victims worked in. They generally kill in ways that involve contact with the victim. Investigators eventually learned Little had been arrested in Pascagoula in August of 1977 for theft. Serial killers may be transient or geographically stable, but can be categorized into. “If you study the time frame of when that happened it lines up really close to the travels of Sam Little and where we know he was committing murders in the mid to late ‘70s.” “Luckily we were able to find a lady up there (Leflore County) who remembered Clara from her younger days and was able to provide us some information that she remembered from when Clara left town, went missing and they never heard from her again” Hoggatt said. This list shows serial killers from the 20th century to present day by number of victims. There are gaps of time between the killings, which may range from a few days to months, or many years. While the term serial killer usually conjures up images of people like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and. At any one time, it’s believed that there are around 25-50 active serial killers lurking in the dark corners of the USA, stalking the streets and highways for their next potential victim. After further investigation and elimination of all other living and deceased relatives, investigators concluded the victim was Clara Birdlong, born in 1933 in Leflore County. A serial killer is typically a person who murders three or more people, in two or more separate events over a period of time, for primarily psychological reasons. 9 Currently Active Serial Killers: Unsolved Cases in 2021. The next month, Hoggatt requested DNA samples from several people closely associated with Birdlong to compare DNA. Birdlong was not seen or heard from again after this. She said Birdlong left Leflore County in the ‘70s with an African American man who claimed to be passing through Mississippi on his way to Florida. ‘Horseshoe Harriet’s’ remains found 37 years ago identified in Alaska, was victim of a serial killer One of the victims of a notorious Alaska serial killer, who was known only as ‘Horseshoe Harriet’ since her body was discovered almost 40 years ago, has finally been identified through genetic genealogy and a DNA match. Hoggatt located a woman in Leflore County in August of 2021 who remembered Birdlong.